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It’s this time of the life again…

Someone who had a strong influence on me, is no more. Pieces are coming together, again. Nobody knew them like we knew them and most people knew them like we didn’t know them. I found a different way of knowing them in the recent years. It was their way of being in the world, how they knew to be. Maybe a mixture of their choice and the choice of others to buy their story?

The person I thought so powerful and a tyrant for some years, was human after all. I wept many tears, for the love not lived. I wept many tears for the moments of tenderness we actually shared. The one who hardly invited love, appreciated to receive it in the end. All those moments were lost like tears in rain.

Stefan Zweig said once:

“No one is gone, whom you love; Love is eternal now”

“Niemand ist fort, den man liebt; Liebe ist ewige Gegenwart.”